Our advertising rates are the best deal you’ll find to market your business! KCAM’s listening area is so vast that customers often drive hundreds of miles to get a good deal. So whether you’re in Tok, Delta Junction, Fairbanks, Valdez, or Palmer, getting your business’s name on KCAM is sure to bring in business! And if you’re here in the Valley, save your customers money and let them know what you have to offer right here! Plus, KCAM offers copy writing and production of your advertisements at no extra cost. Give us a call and let us put together a package that fits your advertising needs.
KCAM can help your business boom in three different customer groups:
1) Copper River Valley Locals looking for a day trip, local vacation, or on behalf of friends or relatives
2) Travelers who drive through and are headed to Valdez, Tok, Delta Junction,
Fairbanks, and Anchorage
3) Referrals by locals or Vistors Center Staff who listen to KCAM. The more top-of-the-mind awareness these people have about your business, the more likely they are to refer people to your business. Radio is the single best medium to do that.
Call for details (907) 822-5226.