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Joy Media Ministries – KCAM Housing Project

Why was the KCAM Housing project important? KCAM, a radio station under Joy Media Ministries, is a vital part of the Copper River Valley Community and staffed by missionaries. This project will offer affordable housing while missionaries serve at KCAM. In addition to broadcasting music, news, weather, and special programming, KCAM is a significant community resource that partners with local organizations on community activities such as fundraisers for local ambulance services and senior citizens organization, play by play of sporting events, and more. KCAM is the source for remote listeners by sending messages to people such as hunters, trappers and fishing guides who are beyond cell range. 

Who was leading this construction effort? The KCAM Housing Committee under the direction of the Joy Media Ministries Board of Directors.

What were the project timelines? Based on funding and volunteer labor, estimated completion October 2020.

I have construction skills. Can I be of service? If you are available, please contact us ASAP. We are looking for volunteers who can take part in all aspects of construction.

Where are funding sources being sought? Much of the labor is being donated by local residents in addition to volunteer teams arriving from the lower 48 states who are committed to this important project. Additional funding for materials is needed from organizations and individual donations.

Is my contribution considered a tax-deductible donation to a 501(c)3? Yes.  A tax deductible receipt will be provided.  

Where do I send my donation? Checks are payable to Joy Media Ministries and should be mailed to PO Box 249, Glennallen, AK 99588.  Please designate donations to the KCAM Housing Project.

How will KCAM housing updates be communicated? Project milestone updates will be available at KCAM website, emails, and Facebook. 

Is there another way I may contribute to the KCAM housing initiative, if I am unable to financially support the work at this time? Yes. In addition to funding, we welcome prayers, ambassadors who will share information about this important project with others, and volunteers skilled in construction..

Who may I contact if I have further questions about the KCAM Housing Project?
Scott Hill, General Manager of KCAM Radio, 907-822-5226 or

See our Amazon Wishlist to help put the finishing touches on the first complete housing unit!

See what has already been done

Phase 2

Project overview